
Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Makeup Review!

For Christmas,I recieved some benefit makeup including.. 'She's So..Jetset!' and I've decided it's about time to rave on about it.

So firstly,it comes with a 4 shade eyeshadow pallete,with instructions on how to apply,which always comes in handy if your not a pro,like myself.

Next,it comes with what I believe is one of the best beauty products of this century, The POREfessional,after applying your skin feels like a joke! For people with dry skin,like me,this product is beyond perfect. Not only does in  minimise the appearance of pores,it leaves your skin feeling as smooth as silk!

The box includes 'They're Real!' a benefit mascara,which I highly recommend,though I usually get reactions to crappy mascaras,I get know reaction to this one (which is always a bonus) and one of my peevs about mascaras and people who wear tons,is when it all clumps together. Luckily,this is amazing at not-clumping,so people who load on the makeup,please,feel free to use this product.

Unfortunatly the 'First-Class Face Powder' doesn't really do it for me,I would reccomend getting another benefit powder instead because this one really doesn't show up well or make a huge difference to your face.

On the otherhand the 'A List Lipgloss' is incredible,not only does it taste of bubblegum and smell of it too! It gives you a glowing shine but in a natural and subtle tone,which is great if your just going out with friends.

Anyway,overall I highly recommned this box,it's not too expensive at only £22.68 and it comes in adorable packaging (which you HAVE to keep-of course!) and it's great for people who love to travel because it's small and easily accessible. Also it's doesn't spill or leak over your stuff-another bonus!

You can buy it any most malls or stores such as 'House of Fraser' or 'Debenhams' or buy online here- which comes with free online worldwide delivery!

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