
Thursday, 4 April 2013

First Ever Haul!

Ok,so this is my first haul,I'm not sure whether or not I like doing them but I will see what the response to this one is...
So today I went shopping and usually I don't buy that much,so for me,this is was a big shopping spree! Anyway here's what I got:

Firstly I went to a department store and got some Clinique 'take the day off cleansing milk' which is basically a posh way to say make-up remover,it's great and really soft,but be-warned,a lot comes out of the pump on one squirt! Anyway I'm not sure how much this one was because truth-be-told my
mum bought it for me (thanks mum).

Next I got myself a new foundation and to tell you the complete truth,it is my very first foundation ever,I know,I know, I'm a teenage girl and I've never had foundation?! Well it's not all that bad, I usually wear tinted moisturiser but my mum had bought this around christmas for herself and so,as all good daughters do I decided to try hers out myself. Obviously just to you-know check if it was working right...Anyway I really fell in love with it and today I thought it's time to buy my own! I got mine it the colour 'ivory' which seemed just right and though it's pretty pricey,around £25,I think it's worth it. It also came with a brochure and a free moisturiser and primer sample.
Next I got a foundation brush from Superdrug to help apply my new foundation which is cheep and 
cheerful and it great to use,it's also very smooth. In Superdrug I ended up buying myself some cheap eyeliner from'Beauty UK' because I lost my favourite expensive one from The Body Shop :(

For a long part of my life last summer,I ended up contemplating whether or not I liked 'Toms',I guess I always liked them but I was never 100 percent sure...until today... I finally got myself a maroon pair and they are just perfect,so comfy and they go with everything. It's also a great organisation because for every one pair you buy,they give a pair to a child in need. It also came with a brochure,sticker and  a lovely little shoe bag! These cost me £35, which I think is a great price.

Next I went to Urban Outfitters and though I know it's not exactly tropical climate I'm going to Valencia soon and so I needed some new sunnies to take with me! After trying on about a million pairs I bagged these babies for £16,they are so nice a sturdy,I highly recommend.

After this I headed to undoubtably one of my favourite shops,purely for the fact that it just reminds me so much of summer and smells of heaven,Hollister. Now in my struggle to find the perfect pair of high-waisted shorts,in here,I came across my heroes,who went by the name of light-denim crochet high-rise. Sadly I was crushed when they didn't have them in my size but fear not, I shall be back. Again my summer withdrawal symptoms came back and I ended up buying yet another summer t-shirt not that I don't already have 500,which,at this rate,I will never get the chance to wear. None the less I really love it but it didn't come cheap at £34.

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  1. very nice blog!:) you're pretty!! I'm now following you:) go and check my blog, if you liked it leave comment and follow me xxx

    1. i love your blog too! thanks so much,it means a lot :) i would follow you but all the buttons are in a different language so i dont know what to press? sorry xxx

  2. Hello love I love this blog thankyou for sharing . Is the Clinique good for sensitive skin I have a lot of people asking for gentle cleansers ? I am a follower now ;) love products haha . Sounds like it was a fun trip . Come check my blog out at
