
Thursday, 4 April 2013

First Ever Haul!

Ok,so this is my first haul,I'm not sure whether or not I like doing them but I will see what the response to this one is...
So today I went shopping and usually I don't buy that much,so for me,this is was a big shopping spree! Anyway here's what I got:

Firstly I went to a department store and got some Clinique 'take the day off cleansing milk' which is basically a posh way to say make-up remover,it's great and really soft,but be-warned,a lot comes out of the pump on one squirt! Anyway I'm not sure how much this one was because truth-be-told my
mum bought it for me (thanks mum).

Next I got myself a new foundation and to tell you the complete truth,it is my very first foundation ever,I know,I know, I'm a teenage girl and I've never had foundation?! Well it's not all that bad, I usually wear tinted moisturiser but my mum had bought this around christmas for herself and so,as all good daughters do I decided to try hers out myself. Obviously just to you-know check if it was working right...Anyway I really fell in love with it and today I thought it's time to buy my own! I got mine it the colour 'ivory' which seemed just right and though it's pretty pricey,around £25,I think it's worth it. It also came with a brochure and a free moisturiser and primer sample.
Next I got a foundation brush from Superdrug to help apply my new foundation which is cheep and 
cheerful and it great to use,it's also very smooth. In Superdrug I ended up buying myself some cheap eyeliner from'Beauty UK' because I lost my favourite expensive one from The Body Shop :(

For a long part of my life last summer,I ended up contemplating whether or not I liked 'Toms',I guess I always liked them but I was never 100 percent sure...until today... I finally got myself a maroon pair and they are just perfect,so comfy and they go with everything. It's also a great organisation because for every one pair you buy,they give a pair to a child in need. It also came with a brochure,sticker and  a lovely little shoe bag! These cost me £35, which I think is a great price.

Next I went to Urban Outfitters and though I know it's not exactly tropical climate I'm going to Valencia soon and so I needed some new sunnies to take with me! After trying on about a million pairs I bagged these babies for £16,they are so nice a sturdy,I highly recommend.

After this I headed to undoubtably one of my favourite shops,purely for the fact that it just reminds me so much of summer and smells of heaven,Hollister. Now in my struggle to find the perfect pair of high-waisted shorts,in here,I came across my heroes,who went by the name of light-denim crochet high-rise. Sadly I was crushed when they didn't have them in my size but fear not, I shall be back. Again my summer withdrawal symptoms came back and I ended up buying yet another summer t-shirt not that I don't already have 500,which,at this rate,I will never get the chance to wear. None the less I really love it but it didn't come cheap at £34.

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Winter Wonderland

Though it's late (only slightly) I decided to do a post about my adventure to Canada in February. So two months ago my family and I hoped on board a plane and flew from the rural island life we know of to the snowy mountains of the unknown,also called,Whistler,Canada.

Our 10 days consisted of a mixture of skiing and spa-ing. Everyday after a tough full day of skiing the snowy and undoubtably gorgeous mountains. Full of top speed racing and endless jumps and tricks,we returned to the village,where the over-helpful Four Seasons staff came and took our skis and poles and led us to the shuttle bus which took us back to our hotel. At the hotel we ended up everyday getting into the routine of putting on our swim stuff and robes and headed down to the heated outdoor pools,getting a hot chocolate or two on the way! The pool is indescribable and there are 3 hottubs and a spa and gym to say the least. Everyone is so social and friendly and all the Canadians welcome you with open arms and there are tons of Auzzies who's accents are adorable! One of my favourite things about the hotel other than when we first arrived to 'Welcome' cookies and sweets in our room,was the evening s'mores station. As your average Brit,I'd never had s'mores before and for all you who haven't lost their s'mores virginity,here's the 411. S'mores are roasted marshmallows,placed inside 2 Graham Crackers with chocolate inside. They are absolute HEAVEN and by far my new favourite food! My favourite experience was Husky Sledging which is a once in a lifetime experience. I was privelleged enough to get to care a feed huskys,i also got to ride ina sledge pulled by them and man the sledge! At the end we came back to a warm Canadian hut for cider and cookies.Anyway I would definetly recommend going to Canada to absolutey everyone, it's a great experience for all types of people.

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Makeup Review!

For Christmas,I recieved some benefit makeup including.. 'She's So..Jetset!' and I've decided it's about time to rave on about it.

So firstly,it comes with a 4 shade eyeshadow pallete,with instructions on how to apply,which always comes in handy if your not a pro,like myself.

Next,it comes with what I believe is one of the best beauty products of this century, The POREfessional,after applying your skin feels like a joke! For people with dry skin,like me,this product is beyond perfect. Not only does in  minimise the appearance of pores,it leaves your skin feeling as smooth as silk!

The box includes 'They're Real!' a benefit mascara,which I highly recommend,though I usually get reactions to crappy mascaras,I get know reaction to this one (which is always a bonus) and one of my peevs about mascaras and people who wear tons,is when it all clumps together. Luckily,this is amazing at not-clumping,so people who load on the makeup,please,feel free to use this product.

Unfortunatly the 'First-Class Face Powder' doesn't really do it for me,I would reccomend getting another benefit powder instead because this one really doesn't show up well or make a huge difference to your face.

On the otherhand the 'A List Lipgloss' is incredible,not only does it taste of bubblegum and smell of it too! It gives you a glowing shine but in a natural and subtle tone,which is great if your just going out with friends.

Anyway,overall I highly recommned this box,it's not too expensive at only £22.68 and it comes in adorable packaging (which you HAVE to keep-of course!) and it's great for people who love to travel because it's small and easily accessible. Also it's doesn't spill or leak over your stuff-another bonus!

You can buy it any most malls or stores such as 'House of Fraser' or 'Debenhams' or buy online here- which comes with free online worldwide delivery!

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Monday, 1 April 2013

Spring Beginnings

Spring is a time to welcome new things with open arms and whether for many teenagers in England at the moment,that is to endless days of revision or if your lucky enough to any exciting opportunities that have sprung your way. My past few days have consisted of baking and eating and lots of it! I managed to devour my large Lindt bunny in 2 days and boy was it worth every bite! So as the start to a new season,should we be welcoming a start to our newselves,well not necessarily but we can work on improving our flaws,though some believe that makes us who we are. None the less, I am as-per-usual going to work on giving up procrastination but we all know that is unachieveable! Anyway please feel free to comment with any new changes your making to your lives! Here are a few photos to sum-up my Easter so far!
Anna xoxo

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Sunday, 6 January 2013

Well hey there..

Hi there,I'm not going to lie..this isn't my first attempt to start a blog,but my others have definitely all been unsuccessful..heres to hoping.
Anyway I see people like to read about other peoples lives,and i'm not entirely sure mine is exciting enough for anyone to read or care about but we shall see.

Firstly to all of those who are struggling with revision right now,don't worry,you are not alone. I am about three quarters of the way charging through my biology notes and so far so good.

Anyway, what I find is a great way to escape revision and clear my head is going on runs and walks outside (both of which i've done today) and just being able to breathe in the fresh air.
Here are some photos of my walk,the landscape,what i wore blahblahblah..
   I always find with outfits on blogs they are beautiful but WAY out of my price range, so don't worry, I'm no glamour designer freak, so i can guarantee nearly all of my outfits will be high street and affordable!
                                                                          MY OUTFIT:
                                                                         Shirt-Next (too much next-cringe...)
                                                                         Jacket-New LOOK

I know it's so cliche but i want to give you an insight into my beautiful country life. I'm a total country gal..born and bred,though this doesn't mean I'm alien to city life at all. This will show you just a glimpse of the utter beauty I can surround myself with everyday. To you it may just look like sea and fields but to me, I see the beauty beneath it (cringing yet again)
 I absolutely love this little gate entrance to one of the houses in the neighbour hood! It reminds me of something from 'The Secret Garden'. Although there is a ditch blocking me from going through it, I've always wanted to climb through and find the beauties lying on the other side. Isn't it just perfect!

Anyway that's all for now. I will fill you in later.Hopefully with something slightly more awe opening than a dog walk in my home town but you have to start somewhere!
Seeya! X
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