Anyway I see people like to read about other peoples lives,and i'm not entirely sure mine is exciting enough for anyone to read or care about but we shall see.
Firstly to all of those who are struggling with revision right now,don't worry,you are not alone. I am about three quarters of the way charging through my biology notes and so far so good.
Anyway, what I find is a great way to escape revision and clear my head is going on runs and walks outside (both of which i've done today) and just being able to breathe in the fresh air.
Here are some photos of my walk,the landscape,what i wore blahblahblah..
Shirt-Next (too much next-cringe...)
Jacket-New LOOK
I know it's so cliche but i want to give you an insight into my beautiful country life. I'm a total country gal..born and bred,though this doesn't mean I'm alien to city life at all. This will show you just a glimpse of the utter beauty I can surround myself with everyday. To you it may just look like sea and fields but to me, I see the beauty beneath it (cringing yet again)
I absolutely love this little gate entrance to one of the houses in the neighbour hood! It reminds me of something from 'The Secret Garden'. Although there is a ditch blocking me from going through it, I've always wanted to climb through and find the beauties lying on the other side. Isn't it just perfect!
Anyway that's all for now. I will fill you in later.Hopefully with something slightly more awe opening than a dog walk in my home town but you have to start somewhere!
Seeya! X